Wellness Kinesiology

Dr. Wayne Topping developed his Stress Release method based on the research of John Barton’s Biokinesiology Institute and the work of Dr Hans Selye who was the first scientist to conceptualize the physiology of stress and to define it as a non-specific response by our organism to a challenge. It explains in detail how our body reacts to stress and shows us how to use muscle testing and body awareness to identify what is unduly stressing the system. You will learn how to determine stress-creating factors and how to eliminate them through a series of simple, yet powerful techniques that include emotional stress release, meridian tapping, temporal tapping, brain integration, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), nutrition, and physical exercise to help bring the mind and body to a state of wellness.

My mission is to provide people with the education and other tools they need to better manage and balance their lives thereby restoring their body/minds to a natural healthy state.’ Dr Wayne Topping, founder of Wellness Kinesiology

Stress Release I - Success Over Distress

Prerequisites: None
Time: 15 hours/2 days
Cost: 155 €

In this workshop we will explore in detail the physical and psychological effects of stress, and how to use muscle testing to identify what is creating distress for you. You will learn techniques which will enable you to effectively release the physical, emotional and mental effects of stress; remove performance anxiety before a speech, presentation, or exam; access and defuse the stressful memories associated with a distressful event; test for and correct conflict between right and left brain hemispheres; plus identify and release blocks to successful weight loss, habit changes, recovery from illness, improved self-image and financial well-being.

Learn additional methods for defusing stress and eliminating negative habits, including techniques which will enable you to tap into and reprogram the subconscious; quickly defuse negative emotional states; make sure that desired change is appropriate; find and eliminate blocks to achieving your goals; help yourself and others end procrastination; manage time skilfully and effectively; and release tension in the neck, shoulders and back through simple exercises.

Stress Release II - Defusing Stuck Emotions & Energy Centers

Prerequisites: Stress Release 1 & 2
Time: 15 hours/2 days
Cost: 155 €

While emotions such as fear, grief, and anger are appropriate, sometimes they become stuck giving rise to conditions such as phobias, anxiety, depression & hostility. We begin by looking at the Callahan model and how it addresses phobias, anxiety and addictions. We show how it relates to the Law of Five Elements and then we expand the model to cover other stuck emotional states such as temper, rage, hostility, embarrassment, grief, loneliness and depression. Discover what energy centers are and what kind of symptoms they can create. Learn how to identify and balance energy centers with emotions, foot reflexes, acupressure points, head massage, and auricular reflexes.

Stress Release III - Working With Emotions

Prerequisites: Stress Release 1-3, Touch for Health 1 (& preferably 2)
Time: 15 hours/2 days
Cost: 155 €

Learn organ reflex points related to 20 major energy meridians and work with the positive and negative emotions from biokinesiology relating to organs and body systems to bring them back into balance. Also included are working with emotions to eliminate pain, and the use of gamma-1 and gamma-2 muscle monitoring and the priority mode.

Defusing Negative Personality Traits – Stress Release IV

Prerequisites: Stress Release 1-4, Touch for Health 1-2
Time: 28 hours/4 days
Cost: 330 €

Find out 7 major ways people acquire limiting beliefs (or "personality traits"). Learn how certain of these beliefs can make you more susceptible to migraines, learning difficulties, cancer, alcoholism & rheumatoid arthritis. Discover how to determine what your limiting beliefs are and how to dismantle them.

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