Massage Therapy




Massage has both physical and mental benefits. Skilful manipulation of the muscles assist the circulation of the blood and lymphatic fluid. It encourages the release of tension in the body’s muscles and joints, but it is also positively energizing once the tension has been successfully dealt with.

Our various types of massage have different benefits according to your concerns, be they muscle pain, stress relief, relaxation or balance. They all take away tensions and encourage optimum circulation.


Massage harmonisantThe use of essential oils enhances the effects of massage and helps releasing physical and emotional tension. Psychological studies have shown that scent is capable of adjusting a person’s mood. It is this quality that intensifies the effects of massage and has a relaxing and soothing impact on the person that receives it. At Body Mind Wellness we use essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties to reduce aches and pains, raise the levels of energy and create an enhanced feeling of well-being.

70€/60 minutes


The term “Ayurveda” means “science of life” and refers to an ancient holistic system from India that seeks to promote the wellbeing of a person. Our Ayurvedic massage is performed with warm essential oils to increase circulation, stimulate the lymphatic system and to cleanse the body from toxins. The essential oils used are anti-inflammatory and detoxifying, helping to relieve stress and energize the body.

70€/60 minutes


Pregnancy is the most beautiful adventure in a woman’s life, but it can also be very taxing on a psychological and physical level. Preparing for childbirth  means learning how to relax and to look after oneself as well. Massage during every stage of pregnancy helps to condition both the body and the emotions of the mother and her unborn baby. It is soft and reassuring. It provides a pregnant woman with a time of quietude and enables her to establish an early reassuring contact with her unborn baby.

 70€/60 minutes


This very relaxing massage uses authentic, recycled clams from the South Pacific seas and natural lava minerals to warm your body and mind. The natural shells give off an intense and delicious warmth which will release your tensions and bring you comfort throughout the massage and for hours afterwards.

€ 75 / 1h (also available as a treatment for 2)


Hot Stone MassageA hot stone massage uses heated basalt stones of various sizes, shapes and weights to deliver effective tissue and muscle massage at a pressure level comfortable to the client. The heat from the stones relaxes muscles and increases the blood flow to the area being worked on which accelerates the healing process. The increase in circulation and the relaxation of the muscles also aids in mental relaxation.

80 €/1h30


Powerful but not painful, this massage restores the circulation of energy and works on acupuncture points, which will allow you to regain health, chase away pain and stay in energy balance.



Our professional and attentive staff is happy to give you more information about our wellness treatments and can be contacted by phone or online.

Your well-being alone
or as a couple

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