The term kinesiology is derived from the Greek words for theory and movement and describes a large variety of energy-balancing methods that combine occidental chiropractic techniques and traditional Chinese acupuncture. Its main purpose is to improve the communication between the body and the mind and to mobilise energy where it is stuck.
The body’s vital energy, also known as chi or prana, is easily thrown out of balance by the way we feel, think and function when we have to deal with shifting circumstances. Any change to our habits and expectations can trigger a stress reaction and create physical, emotional or mental turmoil. Shallow breathing, high blood pressure, poor digestion and concentration, memory loss as well as anxiety attacks and depression are just a few examples of the chaos stress can create.
Kinesiology gives us choices to move away from such suffering and pain. It is neither a medical approach nor a therapy, but a personal development technique
- to overcome obstacles to happiness and learning,
- to transform emotional wounds into empowering beliefs,
- to reassess the perception of possibilities and inner resources.
Kinesiology uses muscle testing as a means of dialogue with the body. Dr. George Goodheart, an American chiropractor, discovered in 1964 that physical and emotional stress had an impact on muscle function.
He subsequently developed a test procedure that is widely used today. A strong or weak muscle response to stressful topic enables the kinesiologist to communicate with the cellular memory of the body and to retrieve information about a particular problem as if he was working on a computer.
This biofeedback mechanism is an extremely simple and direct way to find out what the body really needs in order to obtain a specific goal. It gives access to negative beliefs, emotional wounds, unresolved events in the past and nutritional imbalances and helps to establish the necessary corrections.
- Low self-esteem, fear of failure
- Anxieties, phobias, compulsive disorders
- Addictions and dependence problems
- Learning difficulties
- Exam stress
- Depression
- Relationships and communication in general
- Performance enhancement at school, at work and in competitions
- Physical and/or emotional pain and exhaustion
- Weight control
- Goal setting
- Nutrition
- Time management
A typical kinesiology session begins with a conversation between the client and the kinesiologist.
Its aim is to establish a motivating and inspiring goal that the client feels he can achieve. The actual muscle testing and energy balance is performed with the client lying comfortably on a table. The method is gentle. It totally respects the client’s needs and does not involve the use of any substances or appliances. It is entirely confidential and takes approximately an hour.
Kinesiology is not a therapy that replaces a visit to the doctor. It is rather an educational model that helps people to modify their behaviour and to become more proactive in creating their own health and well-being. Its main goal is the prevention of illness and the restoration of vitality.
Therefore, it complements other approaches well. It is not influenced by a particular philosophy, but open to everything that enhances health and wholeness.
Gabriele Sieck is a Professional Kinesiology Practitioner.
Also trained in NLP and Non-Violent Communication, she applies and teaches a vast range of stress-reducing and energy-balancing techniques in English, French and her mother tongue German in Belgium as well as abroad.